
HomeBoard CommunicationsNew Year, New Visions: Shaping River Market’s Future

New Year, New Visions: Shaping River Market’s Future

Happy New Year to our River Market Community Co-op family! As we welcome 2024, we stand at an exciting juncture, exploring strategic steps that could significantly enhance our co-op’s service and impact in our community.

Building on our solid financial foundation and the unwavering support of over 7,000 owners, we’re exploring new avenues to expand our impact. This includes evaluating the feasibility of opening new store locations, possibly relocating, or even exploring opportunities to collaborate with other co-ops. Each of these paths offers the potential to serve more of our community with our unique blend of quality products and community-focused services. Together with our owners, we strive to shape a future where River Market Community Co-op continues to thrive as a hub for vibrant community connections and shared success.

As we consider these growth opportunities, we want to reassure you that any decision made will be deeply rooted in our commitment to our core values and mission. Our goal is not just expansion for its own sake but thoughtful growth that enhances our ability to serve you, our owners, and our community more effectively.

In this time of exploration, we turn to you, our owners, for inspiration and direction. This is a unique moment for each of us to do some soul-searching about what River Market Co-op can become. What are your aspirations for our co-op? How do you envision its evolution in the years to come? We invite you to dream with us, to share your ideas, hopes, and visions for our future. Please feel empowered to share your thoughts with us at a board meeting or email us at Your input is not just welcome; it’s essential. It will shape our decisions and ensure that our growth aligns with the collective dreams of our community. Together, let’s imagine and build a future that reflects our shared values and aspirations.

This year promises to be one of thoughtful exploration and exciting potential. Together, let’s embrace these opportunities with optimism and a shared commitment to a future that builds on our past successes while reaching for new heights.

Here’s to a 2024 filled with exploration, collaboration, and community-driven progress at River Market Co-op. Cheers!