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End of Season Check-in With Grant Recipients

As the growing season came to a close, we went over to grant recipients Cimarron Community Farm to take part in their final Monday night farmers market of the year. All produce grown by the farm is free, with scores of Cimarron residents taking home their fair share.

When asked how the end of their growing season went, Cimarron farmers Elise and Madeline responded “The 2023 season was one of abundance at Cimarron Community Farm. We produced 16,000 pounds of organic produce on our beloved half-acre, donating 10,000+ pounds to the Cimarron Park neighborhood and greater Lake Elmo/Woodbury/Stillwater area. We could not have achieved this level of production without support from River Market Community Co-op. The funding they provided via the Growers, Grazers, Makers, and Bakers Grant helped us purchase the landscape fabric, insect netting, and cover crop seeds we need to operate our farm efficiently and improve soil health all season long. Grant funding such as this allows us to continue our impactful programming, cultivating healthy communities and ecosystems for seasons to come.”

Grant recipients Foxtail Farm also weighed in on the end of a challenging, yet rewarding growing season, saying “what a strange summer to grow food in the St. Croix Valley. Farmers across the region continue to struggle with drought conditions and Foxtail was not spared. With resilient farming practices we were able to grow enough food for our customers across our markets and CSA’s but with the help of the grant program through River Market we continue to build an even more resilient farm system to include cover cropping. This grant has been the start of something so needed on our farm. Being able to grow our own cover crops for mulch means healthier soil webs, lower weed pressure and more water retention. Three huge wins for us farmers! A huge thanks to everyone in the River Market community for your continued support of local farms like ours”

If you or someone you know would like to be apply for our next round of grant funding, they can head to our grant information page on our website! And another reminder of the power of community. These improvements come from round ups at your local Stillwater grocery store, River Market Community Coop!